輕鬆睇美劇系列-Grey’s Anatomy
到最後,我都係決定我比較擅長寫嘅嘢 — 學英文同有咩美劇英劇好睇。
呢排我都有睇下Breaking Bad、化妝淘汰賽真人騷 Glow up 同埋American Horror Stories,但最近要數最鍾意嘅劇,都係Grey’s Anatomy,講明先,如果你極怕劇透,以下介紹未必啱你。
Grey's Anatomy點解好睇?
原因好簡單,因為輕鬆搞笑得黎,又有野學,有靚仔靚女做嘅討喜人物,有外國人都聽唔明、夠曬獵奇(或者好好J)嘅醫學名詞,有認真製作、action packed嘅手術場面(偶然會喺畫面見到紅色內臟同埋醫生剿內臟聲音),有搞笑位,有洋蔥,台詞寫得精警。
Grey’s Anatomy喺美國收視長期高企,被稱為juggernaut同埋phenomenon。呢套劇相信好多朋友都有聽過,究竟佢好睇喺邊度?呢篇文想簡單講下。
1. 主角Meredith Grey
我研究咗一陣點解大家會咁喜歡Meredith Grey呢個人。其實我覺得Ellen Pompeo五官有啲似陳妍希,唔知大家覺唔覺。
Ellen Pompeo呢種樣唔襟老,不過勝在有氣質。
呢度指緊嘅主角光環唔係新Star Wars裡面Rey個種打不死嘅、令人好無癮嘅光環,而係chosen one嘅感覺。
因為媽咪係名醫,出名到由細到大都活喺被母親overshadowed嘅陰影之下,Meredith Grey呢個人除咗有Harry Potter、Star Wars裡面嘅黑武士之子Luke Skywalker同Gilmore Girl裡面嘅Rory Gilmore一般嘅主角光環。
感情上,其實Meredith個人如其名,Grey grey地,因為母親脾氣古怪,後黎又患上Alzheimer's,後黎喺醫院實習,遇上又靚仔又叻嘅 ‘McDreamy’ Derek,最初以為遇上真命天子,後黎先發現原來Derek已為人夫。
觀眾關注Meredith,唔單止因為佢樣靚,仲因為佢多愁善感又富有生活智慧嘅獨白,作為一個外科醫生, 背負極大壓力,見證無數生離死別,Meredith嘅獨白唔會失實地陽光,非常捕捉到真實生活嘅痛楚同無奈,責任令人喘不過氣嘅壓力,例如:
“We’re adults. How did that happen and how can we make it stop?”
“I’ve heard that it’s possible to grow up, I’ve just never met anyone who’s actually done it. Without parents to defy, we break the rules we make for ourselves. We throw tantrums when things don’t go our way. We whisper secrets with our best friend in the dark. We look for comfort where we can find it. And we hope against all logic, against all experience, like children, we never give up hope.”
“There comes a moment when it’s more than just a game and you either take that step forward or turn around and walk away. I could quit, but here’s the thing… I love the playing field.”
“We deny that we’re tired, we deny we are scared, we deny how badly we want to succeed, and most importantly we deny that we are in denial. We only see what we want to see, and believe what we want to believe, and it works. We lie to ourselves so much that after awhile the lies start to seem like the truth. We deny so much that we can’t recognize the truth right in front of our faces.”
2. 亞洲面孔 Christina Yang
Christina由美籍韓裔演員Sandra Oh飾演,對我黎講某程度好似Gilmore Girl裡面嘅Asian best friend Lane嘅角色,只不過Lane熱愛音樂,而Christina就熱愛工作,典型高材生,講野直接而Mean,唔理人感受,極度理性同冷靜,但又喺職場上面引黎同樣醫術高明靚仔黑人醫生Burke嘅注意,二人成為情侶。
Christina Yang係典型嘅high achieving Asian,好型,好寸,好mean,好理性,好似男人。
3. 金髮靚女 Izzy Stevens
Izzy Stevens由依家已經好少戲做嘅Katherine Heigl出演,有睇42 Dresses同The Ugly Truth嘅朋友應該對Katherine Heigl唔陌生。
Izzy Stevens曾經做model,佢喺Grey’s Anatomy嘅存在就好似Legally Blonde裡面嘅Elle咁,證明靚女唔係冇腦。Izzy Stevens善良,非常關心病人,性格亦好bold好堅強。
4. 外剛內柔、幹練嘅資深醫生Miranda Bailey
5. 靚仔黑人Burke
6. 壞男孩型靚仔男二 (Alex) vs. 鄰家男孩型男二 (George)
Alex好似Harry Potter裡面嘅Malfoy,係風流壞男孩類型,而George就係好容易畀人收兵嘅乖乖仔類型。
乖乖仔 George
壞男孩 Alex
Grey’s Anatomy其實似校園劇,實習醫生成班學生咁,好鬼Cute。
Episode名就係歌名,A Hard Day’s Night、Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head、Make Me Lose Control,而且歌名全部同劇情有關係,好適合睇完劇,煲埋首歌。
Intro裡面嘅Match Cut
Meredith — “Pick me, Choose me, Love me”
Derek — “It's a beautiful day to save lives”
Cristina — “He is not the sun, you are”
Alex — “She works here at Seattle Grace Mercy Death, so I’m sure she’s pretty much gonna go crazy or get cancer or shot by a gunman or hit by a truck, so don’t get your hopes up for Karev’s big happily-ever-after.
George — “I think you’re going to be mad at first, but I’m about to do something important”
Izzie — “My life is in pieces all the time. And they just keep breaking, and as soon as I fix one, another one goes down.”
Bailey — “Rule number one: Don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not gonna change.”
Richard — “This Is Your Arena. How Well You Play, That’s Up To You.”